
Saturday, April 2, 2016


A Blast Through Time-

Imagine a thread of string passing through time and collecting bits of information that all somehow connect.  Now try and imagine this same string had the ability to grab onto the future and work its way back into the past while collecting information that would bring light to the present-
Is it possible?  Yes!  Not the thread of course, but the information it would theoretically collect is very possible, in fact, it has already been done.  The Lord through His prophets meticulously described events, scientific facts, people and places long before they had ever happened or came to be.  It was then recorded down for the purpose of being discovered in this present age.  One such example of this was discovered by the famous British philosopher Herbert Spencer, who lived from 1820-1930 A.D.   After a lifetime of study Herbert discovered what is known today as "The 5 Fundamentals Of Science".  These 5 fundamentals he came up with are: TIME, FORCE, ACTION, SPACE, AND MATTER.

Keep in mind that Herbert is our present thread that is actually connecting us to the past.  Herbert only made the "discovery" of something that had already been written by the Lord's prophets centuries before.  The word "fundamental" as you all may know means: Foundation, Groundwork, Essential part, ABC's or the beginning…

So now if we were to take our theoretical thread and follow it back in time where do you think it would lead us?  If you guessed Genesis you would be correct!  You see Moses, a "prophet" of God, wrote the first five books of the old testament as he was moved by the Holy Spirit, 2Pet. 1:21.  He is the thread that connects the present to the past.  The book of Genesis, states: "In the beginning [time] God [force] created [action] the heavens [space] and the earth [matter]" (Genesis 1:1). Moses' metaphorical thread (or the real connection- the Holy Spirit) gave him the ability to grab this scientific information and record it in our past for the sole purpose of it being discovered in this present age.

Let's stop and think about that for a moment.  A few thoughts come to mind-

1.  This shows just how far our Lord is willing to go to reach out to His creation.

2.  It shows just how far behind the times we really are LOL…

3.  It demonstrates the existence of God. Since it was the Lord's Prophet who was moved by the Holy Spirit to record it. 2Pet. 1:21

4.  It also reveals just how powerful and awesome the foreknowledge of God truly is.

How appropriate is it that God would impress upon His prophet to cleverly mask the 5 fundamentals within the very first verse of the book of BEGINNINGS (Genesis)?  God's ABC's, His Foundation, His Groundwork... It was the Beginning of His tremendous plan for the people He so deeply cares for!  He cannot, nor will He ever go against His character of love.  Our Lord loves us so much that not only has He exhausted every angle in His word that He could to show us that He is real and exists, BUT He then did the ultimate by condescending as a man to die in our place so that we could have life eternal.

That my friends is the truest definition of love!

"He is long suffering not wishing any to perish (2Pet 3:9), but for to all come to repentance."  This is only one example out of many that the Lord planted in His word for us to dig up. These are His immeasurable treasures that all point to a real intimate loving Creator!

Oh What An Omniscient God We Serve!

Be Highly Blessed Today!
Rev Deb

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